Defence for Terrorism

Updated on Saturday 12th November 2022

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Terrorism offences were described in the UK by different Terrorism Acts passed by the British Parliament which define this type of offences generally, following the September 11 attacks in the U.S. and the consequent July attack in the UK. Individuals who are accused of terrorism and related offences should immediately seek legal advice and representation from our criminal defence solicitors in London who can offer the needed support in front of the authorities. 

What are the provisions of the Terrorism Act 2000 in UK?

 The Terrorism Act 2000 offers a complete and clear definition of terrorism and provides a series of details about:
  •  the known terrorist organizations besides the ones connected with Northern Ireland;
  •  the rights of Police to arrest terrorist suspects for interviewing for maximum seven days;
  •  the rights of Police to stop and search any individual or car in special areas without having to suspect him or her of doing an illegal deed;
  •  it also criminalized the funding for terrorist purposes in the UK.

Persons accused of funding parties who are involved in terrorist acts in UK should seek legal assistance from our criminal solicitors in London. With a suitable approach for such cases, our team can offer the necessary defence in the court of law.

You can watch the video below with information about the defence for terrorism in UK:  


Defences for main terrorist property offences

The TACT Regulations 2007  made the legal frame for three new defences for the main terrorist property offences. These defences are:
  • prior consent defence: it can be adopted when the accused discloses transaction or arrangement to an authorized person prior to getting involved, and the person acts with the agreement of an authorized officer;
  • consent defence for terrorism: the accused is already taking part in a transaction or arrangement and discloses it if there is a reasonable explanation as of why he or she did not make the disclosure prior to getting involved;
  • reasonable explanation defence: the accused had the intention to disclose the terrorist offence, however, he or she has a reasonable explanation of why he or she did not do so. A criminal defence solicitor in London can offer more details on what a reasonable explanation consists of.
Civil cases can benefit from support from our legal aid solicitors in London. With extensive experience in various cases that come to their attention, our experts can correctly determine the defense methods and offer the necessary solutions to end conflicts. You can, therefore, call our team with confidence and benefit from support whenever you need it.

Further defences for terrorism offences

There can be more defences for terrorism in connection with cooperation with the Police. It is not considered a terrorism offence if the defendant:
  • is acting with the consent of an authorized person;
  • he or she discloses the belief or suspicion to an authorized person after becoming part of a terrorist offence and he or she delivers information that forms the belief or suspicion. The disclosure has to be made at the accused’s own will and as soon as possible.

Border controls in UK

The possible terrorist threats have always been in the attention of the British authorities who have developed a series of measures like increasing the border controls for specific countries and their citizens wanting to enter UK. The police officers in charge of frontier controls can make arrests if they are suspecting persons of criminal acts like terrorism, or if they are found in the database as wanted persons from abroad. Traveling for terrorism-related activities is strictly forbidden not only in UK but on an international level, and the authorities are sharing a mutual database with information about international criminals and their unlawful activities.

Counter-terrorism in UK

The UK authorities continue to respond to terrorism on a daily basis with exceptional measures taken on a national level, in order to protect the right to physical integrity and of course the right to life. Among the laws that control the counter-terrorism UK we mention the Terrorism Act 2006, the Terrorism Act 2000, the Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005, and the Anti-Terrorism Crime and Security Act 2001 which comprise not only the framework but also the main powers of arrest and pre-charge detention actions even for persons accused of funding criminal acts or organizations for terrorist purposes in UK.

Being accused of terrorist acts in UK is for sure a severe situation for which a solid criminal defence is required. Having an experienced team of criminal solicitors in London, we can suggest individuals accused of terrorist acts to get in touch with our lawyers and immediately solicit legal assistance and representation in the court of law.

Our team of criminal defence solicitors in London is one of the most reputable in providing defence for terrorism offences in UK. We urge you to get in touch with us if you are faced with such allegations.